Friday, March 18, 2011

"Global Warming" Quotes

1. "Manmade global warming is a hoax." ~Rush Limbaugh
2. "Right now, the only global warming strategy that might work worldwide may be to pray." ~Bill O'Reilly
3. "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global warming; it is a scam." ~John Coleman, Founder of The Weather Channel
4. "The far-left radical Marxists have told the big lie that man is destroying the environment with pollution and that's causing global warming." ~Michael Savage
5. "The Earth will end only when God declares it is time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a flood." ~Rep. John Shimkus, US House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
6. "You remember the ice age? It's been warmer ever since, and there ain't nothing we can do to stop it." ~Senator Burns (R-Montana)
7. "Man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people." ~Senator Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), Chair of the Senate Committee on the Environment
8. "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles. Well, maybe Ronald Reagan was a genius." ~Dan Henninger, Deputy Editor for Fox News [Henninger is referring to a scientific publication that suggested trees emitted large amounts of pollution. In a press release published three days before the Editorial Report aired, the study's authors pointed out that human-caused emissions--not natural emissions--"are responsible for the well-documented increasing atmospheric concentrations of methane since pre-industrial times." The authors added that plant emissions do not contribute to "the recent temperature increase known as 'global warming.'"]
9. "The hysteria is what's the myth. Climate changes; it always has. And the idea that man plays such a big part is dubious." ~John Stossel
10. "There's this giant blazing ball of fire in the sky. Could that have anything to do with global warming? Hmm."

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